All-cash Avon business
Yes you can be an Avon Rep. but it's more difficult. You will only be able to accept cash from customers, no checks. Also, to pay Avon the money you owe them, you will have to mail Avon a money order, to the branch office. That takes a long time to get there in the mail, and you never know when they receive it or how long it takes to get posted to your account.
If you have a prepaid debit card, then you can deposit the cash to fund the card, then use it like a debit card to pay Avon either online or over the phone.
If you have a bank account, then you can accept checks from your customers, and deposit them in your bank account. (You can't send customer's checks to Avon.) Also you can set up "QuikPay" so you can pay Avon online. Also if you have a bank account, you can set up a PayPal account, which is another convenient method for customers to pay you. Customers can use their bank account or credit card to pay you through PayPal, then the money is deposited in your bank account.
In any case, you can accept credit/debit card payments from customers, but the credit card slips must be mailed to the Avon branch office. It shows up as a credit on your Avon account, so you can order more Avon products free. But you do not get any money.
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